Perihelion Day, January 3, 2018…the longest day of the year!

Perihelion Day

The Earth’s orbit is an ellipse, not a circle; the distance to the sun is 91,401,983 miles at perihelion, which occurs this January 3 (well, 10:35 PM on the 2nd, in Mountain time zone), and 94,507,803 miles at aphelion, which occurs early July. 1 Everybody knows this. So what is this nonsense about January 3rd being the longest day of the year? Isn’t that the Summer Solstice, June 21st?

Continue reading “Perihelion Day, January 3, 2018…the longest day of the year!”

Beware the BMD!

“Above all, you must not fool yourself; and you are the easiest one to fool.” – Richard Feynman

What is a BMD?

A BMD is a Brave Maverick Doctor. Unfortunately, they are a prolific species: their pronouncements make great headline-fodder, and provide fuel for (often well-meaning) readers and listeners of anti-establishment leanings.

Note that I am not referring to publicity-hounds like Dr. Mehmet Oz or Dr. Joseph Mercola, who have all but given up even pretending to be real doctors while they pursue their visions of fame, glory, and riches. The true BMD is motivated by ego and reward (with perhaps an unhealthy dose of paranoia), conducts “experiments” with real patients, and remains convinced, despite all evidence, that he (she) has found the one true answer to a perplexing medical question, usually one of enormous public health significance.

The BMD believes that the “rest of the medical profession” is in the pay of Big Pharma, has been brainwashed by the AMA, lacks the imagination to recognize true genius, or simply runs on institutional inertia without bothering to question.

Herewith, a few of the most infamous (and dangerous to the public) BMD’s: Continue reading “Beware the BMD!”